Following the interpretation request we sent to World Sailing, we got a feedback from WS Technical Department, considering that the closed class rules principle was not solid enough to confirm the proposed interpretation.
Following, and considering there is no measurement limit on trapeze height in current class rules, it is then possible to fix trapeze wires above mast hound.
Whatever the case, and as previously announced, ExCo will direct the Technical Committee to investigate the trapeze attachment point further in order to estimate both possible gain in terms of sail power and possible risk in terms of mast strength created by raising trapeze wires attachment point, then possibly submitting a Class Rule change to clarify trapeze attachment point options to the World Council when appropriate.
Meanwhile, a proposal for a temporary class rule amendment that does control the maximum height at which the trapezes are attached to the mast has been submitted to IF18CA World Council, voting deadline being Sunday, 29 May 2022. The proposed amendment will have a limited duration, until 31 December 2022, and will be automatically removed unless made permanent during next December Annual Meeting.