By winning 11 of the 12 sailed legs of the 2024 Worrell 1000, Brett Burvill & Max Puttman, reigning Raid
International Formula 18 Class Association
Official website for the International Formula 18 Class Association.
By winning 11 of the 12 sailed legs of the 2024 Worrell 1000, Brett Burvill & Max Puttman, reigning Raid
MoreBefore 2024 Worrell 1000 leg 10 to be sailed from Wrightsville to Atlantic, gap is only 12 minutes & 31
MorePress Release from Beverly Simmons, Worrell 1000 Communication Director The Ocean is a Sleeping Giant… Worrell 1000 Leg 3 &
MoreFrom Beverly Simmons, Worrell 1000 Communication Director “The 23rd running of the world-famous Worrell 1000 extreme, distance catamaran race got
MoreTwelve tough teams started 50th Anniversary Worrell 1000 on Sunday 12 May, and Australian teams Brett Burvill-Max Puttman and Skewes
MorePress Release From Beverly Simmons, Worrell 1000 Communication Director The countdown timer on the official website for the Worrell 1000
MoreFrom Beverley Simmons 14 teams representing 6 different countries are officially registered for the event beginning May 12th on the
MoreThe F18 Class is happy and proud for the Worrell 1000 to be sailed using Formula 18 box rule. “The
MoreFrom Beverley Simmons The final leg from Kill Devil Hills to Virginia Beach is intentionally short to give the Race
MoreAfter 13 (long) legs and 87 hours, 40 minutes, & 44 seconds spent on the water, Rod waterhouse & crew