88 teams finally confirmed their registration to enter 2022 Europeans in Arco, Covi pandemic still preventing some competitors to join
International Formula 18 Class Association
Official website for the International Formula 18 Class Association.
88 teams finally confirmed their registration to enter 2022 Europeans in Arco, Covi pandemic still preventing some competitors to join
MoreNo less than 96 teams pre-registered by Circolo Vela Arco to enter 2022 F18 Europeans. Already a big success for
MoreGerman Nationals sailed in Arco have actually been sailed as a warm-up for the 2022 Europeans to come, and we
MoreHurry up to register by Circolo Vela Arco, would you like to join the best European teams, and some pretty
MoreFinal Notice of Race for 2022 Europeans is just about to be finalized, Organizing Authority waiting last FIV regulations about
MoreYou may remember that, during F18 Class annual meeting held on Saturday 21st December 2019, Arco has been selected as
MoreCharts prepared by Steve Stroebel, IF18CA Vice President Total entries by country for a total of 20 countries Average Finish
MoreReport translated from Federico & Piero – ITA 1701 The 2021 Italian Championship has been played in a new spot
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