The official F18 logos on this page are registered as a trademark ®.
They can be produced and used by third parties under a license provided by the International Formula 18 Class Association (IF18CA). Only for use of these logos as official F18 insignias on F18 mainsails, the IF18CA provides a free license upon request.
If you want to produce and/or use the F18 logo for any other purposes, please contact the IF18CA at
You can receive those using this order form.
According to Class Rule G.3.1 and Appendix C, this 300 mm diameter circled insignia has to be affixed on starboard side within one meter from mainsail clew point.

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- under .ai file (Adobe Illustrator, Postscript)
- under .cdr file (Corel Draw)
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- under .pdf file (Acrobat Reader and others)
Class insignia

According to Class rule proposal #3 – rules C.1.1 and C.10.2, and Class rule proposal #7 – rule G.3.1 / Appendix C, approved during IF18CA Annual Meeting held on 12 December 2020, a Class Insignia of 540 mm height and 630 mm length shall be placed in the upper part of the mainsail, on starboard side only.
See Class Rules Appendix C, Class drawings.
Find below files for vectorial graphics apps:
- under .ai file (Adobe Illustrator, Postscript)
- under .cdr file (Corel Draw)
- under .dxf file (AutoCad)
- under .pdf file (Acrobat Reader and others)