Duc d’Albe Raid is the most popular long distance raid sailed in the Mediterranean region and, after 2020 edition being cancelled due to Covid pandemic, CMH organisers were concerned about participation numbers, considering health restrictions still in place in many European countries.
Good news is that, although foreign participation being limited, 82 boats eventually entered 2021 event, including 19 F18 teams.

On Saturday, a Medium Westerly breeze did permitted the Race Committee to launch the fleet for a full round Porquerolles course, completed by two long windward-leeward legs between Grand Ribaud Island and Duc d’Albe Tower.

On Sunday, a strong Mistral wind, 18 to 24 knots, blew on Hyeres Bay, leading organizers to build up a speed run course, close to the shore, providing sailors with exhilarating sensations on the reach.

Very close results at the end, Orion Martin & Charles Gaté getting the win in 4 hours 35 minutes and 59 seconds, Arthur Boc-Ho / Laetitia Lefèvre finishing second, and Clément Peduzzi / Maxime Blondeau being third… by one mere second!

Complete results here