Even Van Kerckhof Brothers keep on leading 2017 Australian Nationals sailed in Port Melbourne, with a steady 5-6-6, stronger wind conditions (25+ knots) on Day Three did permitted three teams to significantly improve their results. With a 2-1-2 series, Brett Burvill & Lachlan Gibson may be considered as the winners of the day, when Steve Brewin & Andrew Williams (1-2-DNF) could have done better if their mast would have stood up…

By winning the first race of the day, scoring then 3 and 3, Chris Boag and Tom Salt are joining the Top Five group, when Youth NZL team of Olivia Mackay & Micah Wilkinson (4-8-4) secures Bronze on provisional ranking.
As a conclusion of Day 3, Van Kerckhof advantage has been reduced to four points, making then possible for Burvill-Gibson to challenge them for gaining the Australian National Title, hence increasing the drama for the end of the championship…
More info to come…
See Sail-World report by Alex McKinnon at www.sail-world.com/151420