Still time to join Open Belgium/Dutch/German Championship

Picture by Laurens Morel

C.V. Hellecat is just about to host 27-29 September a first time event that combines the Open Belgium, Dutch and German F18 Championship, plan being to rotate the location of the regatta between these 3 countries In future years.

General info for this year’s event:

  • 3 days of racing, 27-29 September
  • Location: Cat Club Hellecat, racing will be on the Haringvliet, a large sweet water lake with flat waters protected from the North Sea
  • Already over 20 registrations from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Denmark and France, including top 10 Worlds like Bader brothers, Van Dams father and son and Patrick Demesmaecker/Gilles Tas
  • Aiming to be a 30+ boat event
  • Some teams will combine logistics with transportation to St. Barth early October.  Other teams will combine with the October weekend races, including the Ronde Tiengemeten race,  a long distance race on the Haringvliet that is very popular among Dutch and Belgium teams and that typically attracts more than 60 teams

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