Rougher sea conditions for Martinique Cata Raid third leg. After starting under light breeze, competitors quickly got a steady 15 knots wind, making them fastly reaching Fort-de-France Bay for one round the cans regatta.
One more bullet for Brit pair Northrop-Farren, getting profit from a wind shift, detrimental to local teams Poix-Gillet and Giacometti-Ivaldi, who were leading the fleet until mid-race. Great racing too for Emmanuel and Jean Boulogne, succeeding in getting third place at the very end of the leg, just ahead Mike Giacometti.
Nicolas Gillet and Nicolas Poix, second in leg 3, comment :

« Super start at the pin end side, giving us quickly a clear advance on the fleet. Then, we were in the right timing for tacking towards Schœlcher, when the others keep on sailing on the same tack, being later on stuck by very low pressure. We get overlapped in the middle of the bay, for not having noticed the winshift coming under the clouds. We finish second, happy with that. We just started catamaran sailing five months ago, but we used to sail together on Melges for long. We know we are still missing experience, so the reason for us to be caught by the Brits, but we are not complaining, as we are playing in front since the beginning of the Raid. Just crossing fingers for keeping on this way ! »
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