Message from Steve Stroebel, President US F18
F18 Class Members,
It is with considerable regret that I am announcing that the 2020 F18 Americas and US Multihull Championship to be held in San Diego is now postponed to 2021 due to the corona virus pandemic. The volatility of the situation makes it too high of a risk to plan an event that could potentially be cancelled by Government mandates days before or even during the event. Also, travel restrictions between countries make it no longer viable to have an “Americas” regatta. This decision was reached after significant consideration by the USF18 Executive Board, US Sailing, Mission Bay Yacht Club and San Diego Yacht Club .
USF18, US Sailing, MBYC and SDYC will work together to reschedule the USF18 Americas and US Multihull Championships in 2021. For all competitors who have already paid their entry fee we will roll over your entry to 2021 and you will not have any increase in entry cost. If you desire to receive a refund please send an email to steve.stroebel@cox.net by July 12 and refunds will be made by July 31.
In the event that it is possible, given the then current corona virus restrictions, to hold an F18 regatta in the August through November 2020 period, we will work on scheduling a regional F18 event which does not require as much travel by participants.
Many thanks to all the people who have made efforts towards holding this event and we will be organizing a 2021 world class regatta on the foundations of the organization already created.
Stay safe and work together to get through these trying times.
Steve Stroebel, President USF18
Steve Cooper, Regatta Chair
+1-619-987-4630 (cell)