As the fall is approaching and the nights are getting darker it is time to solve which Formula 18 team is the fastest in Finland in 2019!!
This year it has been noted that the fleet has progressed a lot in terms of the boat speed and skills, thanks to the systematic training and coaching throughout the season. Additionally, many teams are competing on international level (Worlds, STHLM Raid, Nordics) pushing the class even further. Thus, it is anticipated that the race for the legendary Finnish Class Trophy will be fierce this year!!
The F18 Finnish Championship will be organised by Finnish fleet’s home club HSK (Helsingfors Segelklubb) on behalf of the Finnish Formula 18 Association. The two-day race is open for all F18 sailors and international teams are more than welcome to join the race.
The entry shall be done by sending an email including the names of the sailors, the sail number and the club, to ilkkasaura@msn.com, no later than 27.9.2019.
The entry fee is 80€ per team and shall be paid to:
Receiver: Finnish Formula 18 Association
Account number: FI21 1020 3000 1384 10
Message: F18SM, sailnumber, skippers name
NOR: http://f18.fi/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/F18-notice-of-race.pdf
SIs will be made available before 28.9.2019
Welcome and see you on the line!!