From Press Release
Adapting will certainly be the theme of this week’s Martinique Cata Raid. The race director had planned to send the competitors on a ‘long distance’ race, but the weather decided otherwise. This morning in Le Robert, the water was swept by the famous squalls characteristic of the trade winds, gusting to over 35 knots. As a result, the 28 crews finally set off to sail two round the cans courses.
There was a lot of enthusiasm this morning in front of the Wind Force sailing club in Le Robert, and impatience too, impatience to finally take to the water. Everyone was almost shy about their ambitions, preferring to focus on doing well and, above all, having fun! It’s true that our racers enjoy sailing here in Martinique in fantastic conditions, but nobody’s fooled! As soon as they’re out on the water, it’s a free-for-all and a rag-tag battle.

Indeed, the first race of the day got off to a fast and furious start in conditions that were invigorating to say the least. The programme included two loops of around ten miles, taking the competitors upwind close to the îlet Loup Garou, before a reaching leg and a return leg under spinnaker.

While no fewer than 10 boats returned to the Club with various problems such as broken sticks, lost bolts and other minor mishaps, on the water, the big names were out in force and “it was hot”, confided Nicolas Gillet/Nicolas Poix (Socoveam – Anmizi), with a big match between 6 to 7 boats”. “It’s more than hot, it’s downright war, no one wants to give anything up!” smiled Matthieu Marfaing in the double-handed race with James Melvin (Cirrus- MMSailing). They managed to pull away from the pack on the last tack to win the first round…