Due to the heavy Gulfweed proliferation planned for the days to come, and in order not to put competitors at risk, organisers decided to sail Martinique Cata Raid 2019 on Caribbean Coast only.
Hence, first leg started from Schoelcher to reach Abymes Beach in Le Prêcheur, after visiting Fort de France Bay.
2018 Raid winners Charles Gaté and Orion Martin were the first to round Mark 1, just ahead Nicolas Gilet-Nicolas Poix and Gurvan Bontemps-Frédéric Moreau, but top positions did changed many times actually, due to very versatile wind pressure all along the long reaching heading to Le Prêcheur, generating clusters and shuffling cards.
Whatever the case, Gaté-Martin did succeeded to keep the lead up to Saint Pierre mark then to Rocher de la Perle, finishing this first leg one minute ahead Boulogne Father & Son and Laplace-Jordil from Saint Barth.
Orion & Charles commented: “The racing went well, and we got the wind conditions we were expecting, ie. a mix of pretty strong winds, where you have to be cautious (some did capsized in gusts), followed by wind drops creating clusters, and as many situations similar to a new start.”
Results published here.
Watch Video by Prodrone 360
Pictures by Pierrick Contin
Emmanuel & Jean Boulogne Gurvan Bontemps & Frédéric Moreau Nicolas Gilet & Nicolas Poix