It has been a tight battle all along 2019 Stockholm Archipelago Raid, difference between winners and 4th ranked team being only 6 points on a total of 205.
As reported by F18 Sweden, ” After three days of downwind Dahl and Fischer (SWE) had a small lead before Karlsson Nordblom (SWE), Paschalidis Pirinoli (GRE) and Demesmaeker Thery (BEL). The fourth day offered mainly upwind followed by a long reach to the finish line in Saltsjöbaden. Demesmaeker Thery looked like they where going to win the last leg, but where overtaken in the last minutes by both Paschalidis Pirinoli and Karlsson Nordblom securing 2nd and 1st positions. “
See full rankings here.
Pretty good mix of weather conditions for this well attended edition, where it is to notice, among a bunch of Nordic teams, the presence of Dany Paschalidis, 2018 F18 World and European Champion, crewed by Marc Pirinoli, Patrick Demesmaeker, 2016 F18 European Champion, crewed by Vincent Théry, as well Jan Hedman Jensen & Penny Wyon, reigning World Masters…
Paschalidis & Pirinoli Demesmaeker & Théry Jensen & Wyon
As usual, the Raid has been a perfect combination of exhilarating runs, encounters of 3rd kind, hyde and seek game between the rocks, and far flung but friendly stops, providing sailors with sauna, food… and beer!
Fredrik Karlsson & Niklas Nordblom are now adding a new line on the dedicated Hall of Fame page, Niklas being the only one to get three wins in the race, when Dany Paschalidis & Marc Pirinoli finished 2nd scoring 203 pts, Leff Dahl & Johan Fischer 3rd with 201 pts, and Patrick Demesmaeker & Vincent Théry 4th with 199 pts.

All pictures by Malcolm Hanes