All pictures by Henrik Trygg
16 teams from 6 nations entered 2024 Stockholm Archipelago Raid sailed 22-25 August, and Jacob Lundqvist did it again, this time with his brother Oscar, the two Swedes performing pretty well, with a 124 points score.
Raid veterans Fredrik Karlsson and Niklas Nordblom (SWE, 112 points) finish on second place closely followed by Ad Noordzij and Arthur Moerman (NED, 111 points), in a tie with Peter Busck and Rasmus Rosengren (SWE).
To notice good result of Danish team Jan Hedman/Penny Wyon, first Mixed and 7th Overall.

Report from SAR Organisers
Day One
16 teams with 6 nationalities finally made it to start to the 24th raid in the Stockholm Archipelago on Thursday the 22nd of August. The forecast looked good with winds from 15-25 knots from south west, but a bit gusty.
The downwind start in Saltsjöbaden in a gentle breeze gave raid rookies time to get acquainted with their navigation and safety equipment. But pretty quickly the wind picked up and offered champagne downwind reaching on starboard tack in 15-20 knots to the outer archipelago in less than 2 hours.

Second leg started with a roaring reach with 15-20 knots of wind from the beam . After the 10 minute reach the teams could set the kites and start gybing the 20 Nm downwind to the finish in Sandhamn in increasing winds. The sauna was hot and the beer cold and after a good 2 meal course the sailors went to bed fairly early, since start the next day was announced to 8 o’clock.
The performance of the teams of day 1 would repeat itself over the coming days. The top 5-7 teams were all chasing each other and often finished within 10 minutes after the winner after 3 hours of sailing. Typically the Lundqvist brothers (SWE111) made a good start and took the lead. Other teams in the top where Karlsson(Nordblom (SWE007), Busck/Rosengren (SWE64), the Wunderles (GER 33), Noordziij/MOerman (NED 15), young team Åberg/Norrby (SWE 363) and Linder/Brunnberg (SWE 1) when then managed to not break anything.
In the second group both mixed teams with Hedman/Wyon (DEN 11) and father and daughter Schütz (GER 340) as well as Bergendahl/Johnzon (SWE 4) and Joyriders Bennet/Caufield (IRL 789) and some others followed, all performing very solid and usually within sight of the front group.

A third group in the back with some newer F18 sailors who sometimes struggled in the very windy conditions this year. In the end 12 out of the 16 teams crossed the finish line on the final leg. 4 teams could not complete that leg either because of material failure or because they chose not to start or had to abandoned race some previous day.
Get full report on Stockholm Archipelago website: All teams are winners… but some are more winners than others.