One competitor recently presented for measurement a mast where the trapeze attachment point was fixed approximately 460 mm above the forestay fitting, when general practice since the beginning of the F18 Class is to have the trapeze wires attachment point on the mast hound (single attachment fitting to the mast for forestay, shrouds and trapeze wires/lines).
Questioned by US F18 Chief Measurer, the IF18CA Chief Measurer deemed this illegal, and has asked Word Sailing for confirmation or rejection of his interpretation (Interpretation request attached).
Whichever answer is received from World Sailing, ExCo will direct the Technical Committee to investigate the trapeze attachment point further in order to estimate both possible gain in terms of sail power and possible risk in terms of mast strength created by raising trapeze wires attachment point, then possibly submitting a Class Rule change to clarify trapeze attachment point options to the World Council when appropriate.
More generally, it is recalled that our Class Rules are Closed Class Rules, where if it does not specifically say that you may – then you shall not.
If in doubt, please ask for permission first!