Even though the Class considered for one moment to postpone Worlds scheduled in Formia/Gaeta by two months, it is now clear, considering the terrible and unpredicted situation created by Covid 19 virus worldwide, and particularly in Italy, that the best, if not the only solution, is to move our international calendar of events by one year, not putting anyone at risk.
As a consequence, next Worlds will be sailed in Formia/Gaeta, July 2021, Cruising Yacht Club of Western Australia, March 2022, and Europeans in Circolo Vela Arco, July 2022.
A more detailed statement about Worlds in Formia/Gaeta, including new schedule and conditions for refund, will soon be published by the Organizing Authority.
In this dramatic circumstances, IF18CA would like to sincerely thank all clubs involved for their responsiveness and fairness, and look forward to benefit of three more superb Class events.
In the meantime, our thoughts go to all those suffering of the pandemia, to whom we address our deepest sympathy.
On behalf of the International F18 Class Association,
Olivier Bovyn, President