SFF18 had a great season kick-off meeting a few weeks ago at San Francisco Yacht Club. Good attendance, lots of excitement for the coming season, plenty of red wine and conversation. In addition to aligning our race schedules, we’re planning a clinic and some fleet sails, most notably during the SailGP on the SF Bay stop. We should get some good exposure for F18s to the onshore and on water crowds watching the races.
Attached a group photo of the kick-off dinner.
From left to right:
Front Row/Seated: Patrick Muglia, Chris Green, Gary Testa, C.J. Rednik Back Row/Standing: Matthias Leitner, Tom Avelson, James Melvin, Peter Curran, Charles Froeb, Jessica Green, Christian Vuerings, Nick Grebe, Andrew MacPherson
Will keep you updated as the season progresses.
Best Regards, Peter Curran SFF18