Day 4 has definitely been a great one for the competitors of the 2018 F18 Worlds, as PRO did succeeded to run four back to back races in a East-South-East medium wind, providing spectators with a superb show.
Game is almost done in Sarasota, even Greek pair Paschalidis-Trigonis frightened themselves during race 7, when they round mark 1 in a 30+ position, they properly managed the downwind leg and the second lap to finish 8th, this being their worst score of the week. They are now securing further their lead, with an impressive series (2, 5, 1, 1, [5], 1, 8, 1, 7, 8), making close to impossible for the title to escape them.

Other great performance of the day is to be credited to father and son Dutchies Van Dam, getting a pretty consistent 2, 2, 4, 6, then gaining second place with 46 points, just ahead Easton-Burd, 48 points, when Australian team Burvill-Puttman now scores 64 points.
It is more than likely that the last day will permit to complete two more races, then allowing competitors to use a second discard, which could reshuffle the cards.
Denouement is close now, and one can understand contenders nerves are put under high tension.
Have a look at Hans & Marius Van Dam interview
Full results here.
All pictures by Ellinor from Ellevated Creative.