Martinique Cata Raid will start next January, and some big teams have added their names to the registration list in order to gain 2020 F18 Raid Worlds title.
So, on top of Boulogne-Marfaing, Dary-Cocaud & Touchot-Durand, 2018 winners Orion Martin & Charles Gaté will have to face Cammas-Vandame, Mourniac-Gagliani, Bontemps-Amiot, Boc Ho father & son, Arbona-Blondeau, or Ferrari-Ruccard (winning crew of last St Barth Cata Cup), entries being now close to 40 boats… Needless to say competition will be tense until the last racing day.
Whatever, the event is already and definitely a success in both terms of level and participation.
We will keep you posted.
Event website
List of registered teams
Notice of Race