Invitation from Marco Gambardella, Circolo Velico Sferracavallo
Hi F18ers!
Now that the F18 World Championships are over, it’s time to plan your next adventure. We’d like to invite you to join the F18 Italian Championship in Palermo, Sicily, from the 28th to the 31st of October 2023. It promises to be an exciting event! For most of our European participants, the easiest and most convenient way to reach us is by taking a Ferry from Genova.

Don’t worry about the logistics; we’ll be more than happy to assist you in finding proper accommodation and help managing your travel arrangements.

The entry fee for the championship is as low as 120 euros (if you register before the 1st of September), and living here is affordable so it’s a fantastic opportunity to participate without breaking the bank.
Marco Gambardella
Circolo Velico Sferracavallo