It was uncertain till last moment, but Dutch authorities eventually permitted for the event scheduled in WSV Hoorn to be actually sailed, gathering 17 boats on the starting line.
Pretty good mix of BEL, GER & NED teams, the win going to Belgian pair Patrick Demesmaeker & Gil Tas, 2017 Vice World Champions, scoring five bullets on ten completed races, 2 points ahead Wik Becker & Pieter Oskam, second, and 10 points ahead Hans & Marius Van Dam, Third.

Many familiar and faithful names on the ranking list, and to notice numerous mixed teams, Sanne Wielenga & Frank De Waard finishing 4th, following Van Dams by one mere point!
Just a pitty for Sach brothers not to be able to make it… Will see them next year!

Van Dams chasing Wik Becker-Pieter Oskam