Elia Mazzucchi and Jacopo Lisignoli got 2016 Italian Title in Pescara.

Elia Mazzucchi and Jacopo Lisignoli are the new Italian champions after Formula 18 event recently held in Pescara.

Three racing days permitted to give the title after seven sailed races (on nine scheduled) in difficult weather conditions created by strong turbulence which affected the whole central south of Europe.

cif18_pescara_2016_day_3_625-1024x768On the first day, the wind from the north quadrant established between 8 and 15 knots, which created rough sea with short and steep waves, giving some strain to the conduct of our acrobatic sport catamarans.
Second day saw similar conditions, the wind slightly dropping, but for both days all the planned programme has been completed.
Last day started with heavy rain. However, the Race Committee remained confident and did sent the boats on the water as soon the sky cleared up. The sun then began to warm the air, and produced a wind sufficiently strong to give a start, even being on the edge of the rule. Wind force finally raised up to 10 knots, permitting fair competition to gain a challenged title.
After the seventh sailed race, Mazzucchi-Lisignoli scored five bullets, being then crowned Italian champions, a title they really deserved!
cif18_pescara_2016_day_3_636-1024x768Radman-Cioni who have done everything to worry the new champions, finish second, ahead Cartolari-Star, third. In Formula 18 style we also want to mention the fourth Fantasia-Recalcati and the fifth overall Panella-Pose, Nasuti-Cichella, absolute sixteenths, being awarded mixed trophy.
cif18_pescara_2016_day_3_654-1024x768To conclude, a beautiful championship, mixing weather, friendship, adrenaline and speed, but also tactics and strategy, with never predictable results.
Congratulations to the Race Committee team, who did a great job, making all the competitors happy and satisfied.  Congratulations too to Svagamente Sports Association, represented by Mauro Di Feliceantonio and his collaborators, who excellently organized the Championship both on the ground and on the water, not missing anything, from pasta party  to social dinner.
You may review the tracking of races offered by Formula 18 Class and the Organization on u-track.it site www.u-track.it, as well the departures on the Formula 18 YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg8n5xJut4jtOuMjyu32t0g.
Photo galleries and daily reports on http://www.formula18.it
Season is not over yet ! As a tradition, please join our great closing party  in Calambrone (LI) in one month timeon 8 and 9 October.
Alessandro Pelliccia