Championship Policy


Raid Worlds Appendix

Click here to download F18 Championship Policy under .pdf format


The purpose of this Championship Policy (the “Policy”) is to provide for a clear governance for organizing World and Continental Championships.  

The Policy describes general criteria for organizing Championships.  More detailed requirements will be provided in the Invitation to Bid Candidates for the organization of individual Championships. 

This Policy also establishes a clear process, with timelines, for the selection of Championship venues. 

This is a policy as described in Clause 6(b) of the Constitution of the International Formula 18 Class Association (“IF18CA”) and approved by the World Council on 11 December 2021. 

The Constitution Clause 2.2 states:

“In furtherance of other events with international participation IF18CA will:

  • ensure World and Continental Championships are held in appropriate locations and to proper standards, and shall oversee such events;
  • approve other events of international impact on Formula 18 Class and ensure that they are held to proper standards.”


The IF18CA has the final responsibility for the organisation of the event.  Further specific roles and responsibilities of IF18CA are described in the Invitation to Bid Candidates for each Championship. The Executive Committee (ExCo) of the IF18CA will appoint an IF18CA Delegate who will coordinate on behalf of the IF18CA.

The Organising Authority (OA) is the prime organiser of the event and submitter of the Championship bid.  The OA shall coordinate activity between the Host Club, the NCA, the host Member National Authority (MNA) and the IF18CA. One or more members of an NCA shall be part of the OA.  One or more members of the Host Club may be part of the OA.

A Championship bid has to be supported by a member NCA of IF18CA.  

The Host Club is the party who is responsible for the venue where the event will take place. 

All Championships will be organized subject to World Sailing Regulations. World Sailing contacts are arranged by the IF18CA Delegate, but also the OA must be aware of the necessary contacts.

IF18CA Main Objectives

The Championships play a key role in promoting the Class and attracting and retaining members. Therefore, the main objective of the IF18CA is that (the organisation of) all Championship events attain a consistently high quality.  Guiding principles are:

  • safety of competitors, fair competition and excitement on the water;
  • an onshore programme that offers a great social experience with lasting memories;
  • a media programme that delivers quality coverage of the event.  In support of this IF18CA will allocate a substantial part of its annual budget to Championship event media content and coverage.

Organising Authority  

For it to be eligible to organise a Championship the OA needs to be able to demonstrate that it has sufficient expertise and experience with organising similar events. Members of the local NCA and/or host club may be an integral part of the OA. A team of six to twelve members is suggested for the OA. 

The OA has to prepare draft financial planning for the event and also provide other information with the bid document. The OA shall be responsible for all expenses of the event except those for which it has been agreed otherwise.  

Host Club

The Host Club has to be a member of their MNA and have approval from them to host the event.  One or more members of the Host Club may be part of the OA.

National Class Associations

NCAs are encouraged to play an active role in the organisation of the event.  For example, members of the NCA can help ensure that sailors experience the event in the positive and friendly atmosphere which is charismatic for the class.  One or more members of the NCA shall be part of the OA.

World Sailing Regulations

The IF18CA has to abide by the various World Sailing Regulations related to the organisation of Championship. 

Indicative application process and timelines for Championships

Approximately two years before an anticipated Championship the ExCo will publish the Invitation to Bid Candidates for said Championship. Bids have to be submitted by a candidate OA to the ExCo. The ExCo may contact the candidate OA for clarification or further information.  All received bids that comply with the bidding criteria will be forwarded to the World Council of the IF18CA for their decision on the venue of the event.  Prior to this all bids will be treated confidentially to ensure a level playing field is maintained among candidate OAs.

A bid that receives the majority votes of the World Council under an instant-runoff voting process will be the winning bid. 

Indicative timelines:

6 months before IF18CA WC meetingPublication of bid guidelines
2 months before IF18CA WC meetingDeadline bid submissions
1 month before IF18CA WC meetingForwarding of eligible bids to WC members
at least 18 months before Championship IF18CA WC decision on venue


F18 Raid Worlds bid specifications

Pre requisite

The concept is to rely on existing events with positive track record to ensure a quality event for the class and F18 sailors.

Event format

  • Raid means itinerant route from one camp to another one (rather than from a single base camp), giving the event an adventure character:
    • 3 to 5 racing days
    • An indicative minimum average of 4 hours racing per day
    • Strong rescue team (+/- one rib or fast boat for five to ten entered teams, depending on race area and anticipated conditions)

Entry fee

  • Indicative €1,000 maximum (2021 prices), on an all-inclusive basis:
    • Breakfast and dinner
    • Camping or night accommodation facilities
    • Sailors equipment and gear transportation between stops
    • Pictures/video production