From CAT-ALIST, home of Ontario Racing Catamaran Association
Around PEC Long Distance Race is a 3 leg long distance event which covers approximately 200 km round Prince Edward County, an island in Lake Ontario.
The race starts in Trenton and goes clockwise. Each leg is designed so that even with minimal wind (5 knots) the legs won’t be too long. The shortest leg time to date was about 3 hours in a 15 knot breeze and the longest was 8 hours in 3-4 knots of wind. Test your navigation skills and endurance surrounded by some of the most beautiful scenery in Ontario.
- Presentation video: https://youtu.be/PRXYVdeXZ-c
- Notice of Race: www.aroundpec.com/2020PECnor.pdf
- Event website: www.aroundpec.com
- GPS points: http://www.nacra.ca/AroundPEC/pec-waypoints.gdb
Event contact: David Antognini – dave@nacra.ca
Detailed info at https://www.cat-alist.com/en/orca-racing/orca-schedule/around-pec-long-distance-race