You may remember World Council fixed 31st of March as a deadline to confirm or not 2021 Worlds to be held early July in Gaeta, Gulf of Formia, Latium, Italy.
Although Covid pandemic keeps on creating a lot of uncertainty on event organisations, the end of winter season in Northern Hemisphere, combined to rather encouraging vaccine campaigns starting all over the world, convinced Italian organisers to go forward, and to carefully prepare 2021 edition.
Hence 2021 Worlds Notice of Race to be published very soon, following a close work together with the Class.
Stay focused to quickly join the 36 teams already registered from 2020 edition, as Early Bird entry fee will end by 31st March…
You can meanwhile start studying local forecast, using http://meteformia.ddns.net/meteo/#…

Event website address will be: http://www.f18world2021.org/ (to be activated soon)