Report translated from Federico & Piero – ITA 1701
The 2021 Italian Championship has been played in a new spot for the F18 fleet: Gizzeria. Welcomed in a beautiful location with the warmth that distinguishes the typical hospitality of South Italy, a crystal clear sea, all supported by a staff with sports experiences of the highest level related to other sailing sports (see former Hang Loose bid to host F18 Europeans).
This mix of situations led to a pleasant and successful demonstration. Unfortunately, the weather has not been as cooperative than expected, and allowed only 2 regatta days out of the 4 scheduled in the notice of race, with a nightmare first day dotted with rain and ground damage for many boats of the fleet.

After the first day was deliberately left without racing to allow the fleet to fix the damaged boats with the help of ALL, it was possible to bring ALL boats present in the water on the second day.
Four races of 3 laps, with good edge to the right almost up to the shore and thermal wind with intensity 10/14 knots. We manage to turn first and we are also in front of the second upwind and then arrive second in the first round. In the second we turn badly and arrive despite all sixth. In the third we make a two and in the fourth a three. Mazzucchi and Lisignoli dominate the race, followed by Radman and Dell’Omo, the third ones.
In the morning of the third day, the wind direction already announced the typical Gizzeria thermal breeze, who punctually entered as soon as the sun started to heat.
Three races with 13 to 18 knots wind always from 3 laps and sea that begins to form during the first race to become more and more shallowed during the day, with beautiful upwind and downwind legs providing lots of adrenaline… Our day results are a six, a four, and a two. Amused and tired we all go back to the ground beach for the strong undertow.
Mazzucchi/Lisignoli remain at the top, followed by Radman/Dell’Omo and Fantasia/Recalcati. We are fourth with third places.
On the fourth day we wake up under a storm that lasts until noon, the jury does not consider it feasible, given the time available to conduct of the race, so the Championships are concluded.
– to Mazzucchi and Lisignoli which, even though they have a boat named “Nemo”, dominated the entire championship;
– Radman and Dell’Omo always on the edge;
– to the Classe, always available to help in an atmosphere of serenity and friendship from North to South Italy… islands included;
– in Gizzeria, a good location with adequate ground infrastructure.
Congratulations to Everyone.
See you in October in Calambrone.
Federico & Piero