Charts prepared by Steve Stroebel, IF18CA Vice President
Total entries by country for a total of 20 countries

Average Finish by Country

Entries by boat manufacturer

We had incomplete data for the boat manufacturer year but know that at least 17 boats were 2020 or 2021 models which represents more than 21% of the fleet. The number was probably significantly higher because none of the Scorpions had their build year recorded.
Distribution by boat model for Goodall and Nacra F18s

Total crew weight by finish position
The following chart shows the total crew weight by finish position for the top 47 boats.
- For those crews who weighed less than 150 kg they carried corrector weights of ½ of the difference to 150 kg.
- The average of all the total crew uncompensated weights was 154.8 kg – 4.8 kg over the minimum.
- The average weight of all the F18s with corrector weight included was 155.5 kg – 5.5 kg over the minimum.

Average crew weight with compensation weights by finish positions

Total boat weight by finish position
The following chart shows the total boat weight by finish position for the top 47 boats.
- For those boats who weighed less than 180 kg they carried corrector weights to bring the boat to 180 kg.
- The average of all the F18s uncompensated weights was 181.3 kg – 1.3 kg over the minimum.
- The average weight of all the F18s with corrector weight included was 182.1 kg – 2.1 kg over the minimum.

Average uncompensated boat weight by finish positions